Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's been too long.

Perhaps it's safe to say I have been struggling with inspiration. It's like the ideas are only ideas and I can't finish projects I start, I mean, I want to. I get sad in the end when I look back unsatisfied with results I effortlessly hand myself. The ideas really, are constant and I need to see them through. I want to vow! I want to get this blog going and focus on my YouTube channel, so I vow to update at the LEAST, 3 times weekly here just to begin, and at least one video a week. I don't want to commit to something impossible so starting there will only encourage more from myself in hopefully what is the near future :) 
When I get ready every day I remember & realize how much heart I truly have for makeup artistry. Every day I can honestly say I look somewhat different; the variety in my style cosmetically is really ever-changing and I should share that with all of you. My fashion taste, too..my closet of everything combined really couldn't be categorized any one way...there's a little bit of everything and I love switching it up so that too should be featured more on my social media. I plan to incorporate it! I'm finding out daily how much love I really do have for all things beauty - I mean, I already knew, I've always known but I also have always felt like I should reach for things beyond beauty as well, before almost, settling..for beauty, in the nicest way possible! I only say that because beauty things just come natural to me and always have. So I've always felt like I needed to shoot for different things in life, leaving makeup and hair and clothes a hobby, pass time............but now I'm feeling like, I have crazy desire to just see where sharing my opinions, taste, and ideas go. So, here goes nothing.

My YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/daniisabelle

Love & Sunsets